Hey Guys! I am doing 12-Days of Giveaways every weekday until Christmas! A New PRIZE every day! Come back each day to see what I’m giving away. Entering is easy. Details below.
I am giving away a FREE Apple AirPods or Apple Watch to one reader! This Giveaway is live for 24 hours. I’ll announce the winner TODAY, Thursday 12/16 morning in the Community tab from the App.
I love you! Good luck! Check back later for Day 8 Giveaway!
EEEeeek I’m so excited!
Oh and let me know other prizes you would love to see (Reasonably priced please! ).
How to Enter:
- Get the Latest App – FSF iPhone App OR Android App – Update if need to get latest
- Turn on Notifications – So it’ll alert you if you win
- Must be logged in
- (if you haven’t) Create a User Profile – Make sure to add a picture to your profile
- Login to your User Profile
- Must have profile photo
- Browse thru deals from the app during the giveaway period
- Comment Normally
And comment on any deal post
- Genuine comments only. You do not need to comment on every post.
- Leave a comment on deals you are interested in so I have feedback on deals you like and will look for more like it.
- You can comment with feedback on a product that you already own
- You can also reply on other people’s comments.
- Genuine comments only. You do not need to comment on every post.
- That’s it. Just use the app normally.
To Claim:
- I will post the winner’s name in the Community section of my App
- I will also email you
- You have 72 hours (3 days) to claim the prize
Giveaway Reminder #1: Win FREE $50 Gift Card of Your Choice
Other Giveaways! Did you know? You can enter to win a Free $50 in Gift Cards EVERY WEEK from the Community tab inside the FSF App?
Simply go to the Community tab in the app, and post pictures of your haul or pictures of a quality deals you’ve found, or engage with others in the community.
Note that not all community deal submissions will be approved. If it’s a deal we’ve posted before, or seen many times before, we may not approve those. I also strongly prefer pictures you’ve taken yourself.
I love seeing what deals you guys did! Please snap a pic and post it in the Community section!
This is a weekly Giveaway that ends on Sunday of each week. Winners announced on Monday. The current round of Community Giveaways started on Monday, 12/13 and ends on Sunday, 12/19!
Giveaway Reminder #2: Win FREE $50 Amazon Gift Card
I run a new Giveaway every week on IG Stories. New Giveaway starts on Tuesday of each week and winner is announced on IG Stories. Just engage with any post on my main Instagram to enter.
Reminder to check my IG stories regularly for various prizes each week. This week’s giveaway is a FREE $50 Amazon Gift Card. Winner announced on Tuesday (12/21).
To Enter:
- Follow @FreeStuffFinder and @TargetDealFinder
- LIKE & Comment on any IG Posts between Monday and Sunday
- Winner Announced every Tuesday on IG Stories
- Keep an eye out in my IG Stories for new Giveaways
Never Miss a Hot Deal 
Sign up to the FSF App – Get the FSF App and turn on notifications! I’ll send a reminder for each hot deal I find.
Sign up for Text Alerts – Don’t miss a Run Deal! Sign up for Text Alerts. During the rest of the year, I’ll be covering the hottest deals that I’m sure you don’t want to miss. You can sign up here or follow the steps below. It’s free for you and you can opt out at any point.
It takes a second to set up. Follow these steps:
- ① Text to the number 760-227-8151 with anything. Emoji is good.
- ② You’ll get an automated message. Click on the link from this message so it’ll add you to my Contacts and I can text you back
- ③ Let me know some stores and types of deals you are interested in. Chat with you in text!
Set your alarms!
Love Free Stuff? Click here to see all current Freebie offers. Plus, for tips on how to score Free Samples, watch my video here.
How do I get the Free AirPods?
I’d like to enter
omg I really want them so bad
how can I enter in?