Through March 5th, head over to Walgreens where they are offering $6 Register Rewards for buying four select household products! As a deal idea, grab two Tide Laundry Detergent for $5.24 each, one Bounty Paper Towels for $5.24 and one Charmin Toilet Tissue for $5.24.
With the subtotal of $20.96, you can use the available P&G insert coupons as shown below in the breakdown from your 2/27 newspaper ($2.50 Value) to pay only $18.46! After purchase, you will get back $6 register rewards for buying 4 products, making the final price just $12.46 for all or $3.12 each!
2 Tide Laundry Detergent $3.12 Each
► Buy 2 Tide Laundry Detergent (37 oz) @$5.24/ea = $10.48
► Buy 1 Bounty Select-A-Size Paper Towels (2 ct) = $5.24
► Buy 1 Charmin Mega Toilet Tissue (6 rolls) = $5.24
Sub-Total: $20.96
Use $2/1 Tide Detergent 69 oz or smaller (P&G 2/27, x3/26) – limit 1 = – $2
Use $0.25/1 Bounty Product (P&G 2/27, x3/12) – limit 1 = – $0.25
Use $0.25/1 Charmin Product (P&G 2/27, x3/12) – limit 1 = – $0.25
Pay: $18.46
Get Back: $6 Register Rewards for buying 4
Final Price $3.12 each or $12.46 for all
I did this and the cashier was super rude to me when I started pulling out my coupons. She took my two P&G’s but didn’t do the second one and said I’ll put one in for you but not both. I also bought the glade refills with the -$1 off coupon in the most recent flyer. Which I forgot to hand to her. So after the checkout I went to customer service but their computer system was down. (Go figure lol) Went to my car and looked at the receipt and realized she only did one P&G -$3 off tide. Sat in my car for a couple minutes and told myself , no get back in there and get the damn coupon back, which I did. Waiting the couple minutes I thought maybe their system is back up, which it wasn’t. So I need to go back to get my $4, it sounds stupid but those $4 are the equivalent of a gallon of gas now. Pretty happy on this deal. With this I probably have enough detergent to last me 6 months.
I know how you feel I tried using coupons in Target and they didn’t accept them