Deal ends when coupon or cash back expire. Shop at Target and get back $10 Target Gift Card when you buy three select household products! As a deal idea, grab one 9 Elements Liquid Laundry Detergent, one 9 Elements Fabric Softener, and one Downy Fabric Softener for a total of $37.37.
Then, use $3 off one 9 Elements Liquid Laundry Detergent Circle, $3 off one 9 Elements Liquid Fabric Softener Circle, and $2 off one Downy Liquid Fabric Softener printable coupon. Please note that the coupon expires one day after printing. Pay $29.37 at checkout, and you will get back a $10 Target Gift Card for buying three select household supplies, making your final price just $6.45 each or $19.37 for all three. See more details below!
9 Elements Liquid Laundry Detergent
⺠Buy 9 Elements Lemon Scent Liquid Laundry Detergent (65 lds) = $13.39
⺠Buy 9 Elements Liquid Fabric Softener (67 lds) = $12.99
âş Buy Downy Liquid Fabric Softener (150 lds)Â = $10.99
Sub-Total: $37.37
Use $3/1 9 Elements Liquid Laundry Detergent Circle (limit 1, x12/2) = -$3
And use $3/1 9 Elements Liquid Fabric Softener Circle (limit 1, x12/2) = -$3
And use $2/1 Downy Liquid Fabric Softener 77-129 oz (limit 1) = -$2
(coupon expires one day after printing)
Pay: $29.37
Get Back: $10 Target Gift Card (x12/3)
Final Price: $6.45 each or $19.37 for all three
Just what I needed thank you !
You’re most welcome! So happy you found this helpful!