• My Sprouts surprise finds


    I am on a mission to find Valentina’s Manager Specials from Sprouts 😂 I was just curious to see if I can find anything similar. Went to two different stores, and was lucky in one more than in another. I purchased only Organic Baby greens ( took last 2 packs) and Brussel sprouts for 99 cents each, and was able to find only Free pizza and cake mix from free coupons offers. Some of the items were gone already before I found them.

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  • 10 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      I am going to keep an eye out for those from now onwards at Sprouts.

    2. 0

      How do you find where exactly to look for manager’s specials?

    3. -1

      You did good! My store rarely has mgr specials like that. 👏

    4. -2

      I’m going to have to try that one day. I feel like I will stick out like a sore thumb. Every time I go to Sprouts, there aren’t that many customers.

    5. -3

      Those clusters look delicious! Your prices are good! Same as mine. 9 cents isn’t an everyday occurrence here. 😋

      • -3.1

        I was shocked to find these prices. I know now to shop early morning Thursday or Friday there to get these prices if there are any specials. Actually, I think I know why suddenly these specials appear. There is Amazon store right next to them finishing remodels on the building. Will see how it goes when Amazon opens the store.

    6. -4


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