• Two FREE BIC EasyRinse Razors from Walgreens + $11.25MM


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    $8.49 each, BOGO 50%

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    -$8.99 Ibotta
    = FREE + $11.25MM

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    1. 1

      All gone

    2. 0

      Nice! Thank for breaking the deal down Olivia ❤️

    3. -1

      Hey Olivia! Random question but can we have a Swagbucks and a mypoimts account? Susan I think you told me we need separate emails righf? I’m so confused cuz I thought they companies are related

      • -1.1

        Susan probably told you because she’s the one who told me too 😁 Yes you need different emails for Swagbucks and MyPoints.

      • -1.2

        Not necessarily. I have my husband’s accounts on one email, and my accounts on different emails. The thing with different emails would be useful only in regards to Checkout51 if you want to submit the same receipt to Ch51 and Swagbucks, for example.

        • Is it only Swagbucks and Checkout51? Because I use the same email for MyPoints and Checkout51 and it works.

          • No, for all of them. It will work, but they can catch up eventually if you are submitting one receipt to both since it is not allowed. It is not allowed to stack up the offers on these platforms, and if you use the same email it is registered in the system. When they audit accounts at random, you might be the one on the chopping block. Plus, when they give away free stuff and it is offered on all of these platforms, if you bought even on different receipts something, but already submitted to Ch51, for example, it will disappear from Mypoints too. I have MyPoints and Ch51 on one email also, and it happened to me.

      • -1.3

        They are not the same company, but they belong to the same umbrella of companies because they use basically the same system and give the same offers, but Swagbucks gives more offers than others. They have a system In check though that will not allow you to use the same receipt on all of them at ones, which is prohibited to begin with.

    4. -2

      I went right when the store opened and there was only 1 left because someone ordered it online for in store pick up 😆

      • -2.1

        Hope I wasn’t the one 🫣. I hate when that happens for a BOGO deal. For popular items like these, I can never find them in store so I ordered mine at 6:30 this morning. By the time I walked in at 8am to pick up my order, they were both oos. Hopefully another store will have them in stock.

    5. -3

      I was about to post too! 🤣

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