• Bath & Body Works Coupon Policy Change


    a Person Holding Bath and Body Works Mailer Coupon

    Bath & Body Works shoppers! If you’re a fan of Bath & Body Works, then you know that their mailer coupons are a great way to save on your favorite products. Starting July 24th, they have announced changes regarding their coupon policy. They are introducing new coupon limits and order total limits. Here’s what you need to remember:

    • All redemptive coupon offers (like 20% off your purchase) will now have a limit of $250. You will not receive the 20% discount on $250+ purchases.
    • There is a limit of one coupon per customer. This means you will no longer be able to stack your coupons (make sure to check coupon fine print, as it’s possible some coupons can still be stacked)

    How to Get Coupons:

    Bath and Body Works Mailer Coupon

    You can get new mailer coupons by signing up for Bath & Body Works coupons. After that, look out for the mailer coupons in your mailbox, every couple of months. The latest mailer we received on July 24th, has some fantastic offers that you won’t want to miss! First up, there’s a coupon for a free full-size body care item (up to $16.95 value), 20% off your purchase, and Men’s Body Care for $7. You can visit your local store or shop online to reedem.

    It’s worth noting that Bath & Body Works mailer coupons can vary from person to person. So, be sure to keep an eye on your mailbox and let us know if you got these offers or if you got something different! 

    Bath & Body Works Rewards:

    Bath and Body Works candles in shelf

    Don’t forget to sign up for the new Bath & Body Works Rewards Program! As a member, you’ll have access to early promotions, receive a birthday freebie, and earn points on every purchase that can be redeemed for free Bath & Body Works products. For everything you need to know about the new program, you can check it out here.

    To become a member, you’ll need to sign up either in-store or online. Once you’re enrolled, you’ll receive exclusive benefits such as early access to select promotions, a birthday freebie, and the ability to earn points on every purchase.

    Plus, if you download the myBBW app and sign up for the loyalty program, you’ll receive a $10 off $30 coupon to use on your next purchase. And if you’ve received any mailer coupons, you can easily find them in your virtual wallet within the app, so you always have your coupons with you when you need them.

    Woman Holding a Phone with My Bath and Body Words Rewards Program App

    If you’re not receiving mailers from Bath & Body Works, there are a couple of things you can try to refresh your information and get back on the mailing list. First, head to the Bath & Body Works request page here and click on the “Mailing Address Add/Update” option in the dropdown box. From there, you can enter your name and mailing address to update your information. This often helps to refresh your details and get you back on the mailing list.

    Another option to consider is signing up for My Bath & Body Works, which is a free loyalty program offered by the company. After signing up, many customers have reported receiving mailers again after not receiving them for a while. Good luck, and I hope this tip proves useful for you!

    app promo footer v3 updated

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  • 68 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      where do I sign up

    2. 0

      I used to get the bath and body works coupons I don’t know how many times did I add myself back on the list even when I go into the store I miss getting my coupons so is there another way for me to get back on the list

    3. -1

      Sadly, I don’t get one.

    4. -2
      maria.mattos867@gmail.com :

      how do I get the bath and body works coupon

      • -2.1
        Jasmine (Free Stuff Finder) :

        Hi Maria! You should consider signing up for My Bath & Body Works, which is a free loyalty program offered by the company. After that you should receive the coupons in your mailbox. Let me know when you get yours!

    5. -3

      Contact customer service too

    6. -4

      I have been signed up for years and sometimes I get coupons and sometimes I don’t. 🤔

      • -4.1
        Jasmine (Free Stuff Finder) :

        Hey Michelle! They send a variety of mailers, so the coupons in your mailbox may not be the same as what your friends, for example, get. In fact, you may get a coupon when they don’t and they may get one when you don’t. That’s stated on their website. Hope this helps!

    7. -5

      Got mine , thank you!

    8. -6

      Hi, can I use all coupons together in one transaction?

      • -6.1
        Jasmine (Free Stuff Finder) :

        Hey Anna! You’re not able to stack mailed coupons with in-store coupon codes like the ones you receive from a Bath & Body Works email, or the ones you get as a Rewards member. Hope this explains it!

    9. -7

      Here is a manual request form for mailer coupons. They really don’t do email anymore. I had to put this request in for me to start getting them. If you don’t get any after a few months. Message customer service. They will ALWAYS take care of you

    10. -8

      I signed up and never seem to get the mailers 😭

      • -8.1
        Virginia (Free Stuff Finder) :

        Oh no, so sorry to hear that! I suggest you try the ways where you can possibly get back on their mailing list – just follow the steps written on the bottom of this post. Just lemme know if you have any questions, kay?

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