Today, April 18th only, visit Amazon where they’re having a sale on BIC writing supplies. As an idea, these BIC temporary tattoo markers are regularly priced at $24, now you’ll score them for just $17.64! Shipping is free with Amazon Prime, or on orders above $25. Check the deals below, or browse the sale here!
BIC Temporary Tattoo Markers
BIC Temporary Tattoo Markers
ONLY $17.64 (Reg $24)
Check More Deals:
BIC Round Stic Ballpoint Pens
ONLY $3.49 (Reg $14)
BIC Cristal Xtra Bold Fashion Ballpoint PenÂ
ONLY $3.30 (Reg $14)
BIC Brite Liner Highlighter
ONLY $5.92 (Reg $14)
BIC Wite-Out Correction Tape
ONLY $3.84 (Reg $8)
Ordered my set. Thank you.
Hi Jenny, glad you scored!