• BEST Christmas Trees and Decor Deals🎄 (Trees Starting at $10!)

    Christmas Trees and Decor on Shelves at a Walmart Store

    Christmas is near, so don’t miss out on the best deals on Christmas Trees as part of Black Friday Sales! Below, you can check out a roundup of all the best Christmas Tree deals and sales we gathered for you!

    See all Black Friday deals here!
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    ⭐️ Best Black Friday Deals By Category ⭐️

    We have broken down the best Black Friday deals by categories below. This way, you can click through to the section you are interested in. In case there are any other roundups you’d like to see, let us know and we’ll work on getting them made as soon as possible.

    🎄 BEST Christmas Trees and Decor Deals 🎄

    While we’re anxiously awaiting Christmas, we can get ready by saving a ton of money on Christmas Trees and Decorations! There are a lot of great deals to consider, one of which is the Wondershop 3-foot Unlit Mini Christmas Tree that you can get at Target for ONLY $10 after the 50% off Wondershop Artificial Trees Circle offer! However, this deal is available today, 11/24 only!

    In addition to the Target deal, another notable deal is the Holiday Time 6-foot Christmas Tree for $25 at Walmart, as well as the Holiday Time 7-foot Pre-Lit Christmas Tree for $79 shipped!

    50% Off Christmas Trees at Target (11/24 Only!)

    Best Christmas Trees Deals

    Nine Different Artificial Christmas Trees on a Store Shelf

    Several Artificial Christmas Trees on a Store Shelf

    Two Photos of a 7-foot Classic Pine Christmas Tree in Pink

    Best Deals on Christmas Decor

    A 6-foot Animated Grinch in an Ugly Sweater & A 6-foot Animated Santa in Front of a Store

    See more Christmas decor deals here!

    Best Black Friday Deals by Store

    Black Friday Ads & Deals - Don't Miss:

    Join 90 Comments Here More Amazon JCPenney Michaels Target Walmart Deals
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  • 90 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      Debating getting a prelit tree this year…we usually get a real tree but it’s so much work to try to keep it alive. These are good options

    2. 0

      So many options! I wish I could decorate each room with a different tree theme! That would be so much fun!

    3. -1

      Omg @ the garland deals!!! Those things can be so expensive! Crossing my fingers that 3 sets will be available!!!

    4. -2

      Thanks for posting the decor deals!

    5. -3

      I really want a slim tree this year just looking for the best deal I can get. The deals are pretty good I just can’t decide

    6. -4

      Omg thank you! Needed a new tree. Ordered the Walmart one

    7. -5

      I want the flocked pine! Thanks for sharing. Love you

    8. -6

      Got mine ordered

    9. -7

      Got my Christmas tree from Home Depot today can’t wait to pick it up !!

    10. -8

      We got a beautiful 7.5 ft, pre lit artificial tree from Home Depot for $79.00. it has multicolor and white lights and several options on how to display them.

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