At Target:
Buy (1) Colgate optic white pro series (the stain prevention one) $10.29
Buy (1) Colgate overnight whitening pen $24.99 (price match to Walmart for $19.97)
Pay $30.26
Get a $10 gift card on $30+ beauty purchase
$3.50 Fetch rewards
$10 Ibotta cash back
$12 Coupons cash back
$12 Alexa cash back
Total +$17.24
Make sure all of the offers are added to your accounts before purchasing. I did my offers yesterday, I did get approved on Coupons for $12 on Colgate. Scan the toothpaste multiple times for the three active offers.
so i went to target today and i was told they no longer price match with walmart i’m not sure if this is true but just wanted to know if you guys had the same issue?