• Don’t forget your Sprouts Freebie! 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️


    Clip the asap!

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  • 44 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      I’m in sprouts group on Facebook and I don’t see anyone claiming they scored all 12. Everyone got 8. So weird.

    2. 0

      After an hour and a half of refreshing the app and the web page, I was able to get 8 as well.

      The ones I didn’t get were Liquid Death (which is weird because there were suppose to be 15k clips), 8 Myles Mac & Cheese (10k clips), Vibi (5k), and Field Roast Queso (5k).

    3. -1

      I got 8 too. Someone who got early access only had the same eight. Wondering how nobody seems to have even gotten the four I missed or mentioned them

    4. -2

      I got 8 coupons… Deff not signing into the app early next time 😅

    5. -3

      It finally worked for me!!!

    6. -4

      Now I can’t reply to anyone here. Is it 1st day of the month curse??? Haha! Anyway, it is somewhat working now, but 4 out of 12 are gone.

    7. -5

      I remember an hour and half later and can’t log in the app. 😂 😂. Looks like there are more freebies this month.

    8. -6

      The app is working again now!

    9. -7

      I thought I was the only one having problems with app.

    10. -8

      I was able to finally clip a bunch of freebies but now they all disappeared!!! 👻😩

    11. Page 2 of 3123

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