• Two FREE Neuriva from Target + $36MM 😱💰🎯


    I have three identical Shopkick offers for each of the two Neurivas worth $26.40 (2,250 / 2,200 / 2,150 kicks).

    If you spend $25 on health care purchases, you will receive $5 Target gift card.

    $12.99 Neuriva Relax & Sleep
    $12.99 Neuriva Sleep
    -$4.20 Target Circle 20% off
    -$5 Target Gift Card
    -$26.40 Shopkick (2,250 / 2,200 / 2,150 kicks)
    -$26.40 Shopkick (2,250 / 2,200 / 2,150 kicks)
    = FREE + $36MM

    Just submitted this so itā€™s still processing. Will update the post when itā€™s been approved.

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  • 37 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      Amazing!! šŸ¤©šŸ¤©

    2. 0

      I saw them yesterday in my app. I knew you are going to try itšŸ¤­

    3. -1

      I just got to Target and they removed it!!! šŸ˜­Thank you though. šŸ˜˜

    4. -2

      should I do in store or can I do it through pick up?

    5. -3

      what? $36 MM šŸ¤©šŸ¤©

    6. -4

      Do I have to go in and scan prior to purchase for Shopkick before actually purchasing? I have in my cart for pickup. Itā€™s been a long time since turned in receipt with them. Thank in advance!!! šŸ˜šŸ„°

    7. -5

      Thank you! I ran to do this šŸ˜‚ hope itā€™s approved

    8. -6

      I got them!! Just waiting on Shopkick as well!

      I had to drive to a 2nd target because the first one didnā€™t carry this product. I shouldā€™ve checked the app to even see if it was available šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø but I found them.

    9. -7

      Wow! I have those offers too! Want to go to target now!!

    10. -8

      If they donā€™t approve it, submit a claim to customer service! I had a MM deal with the beyond meat jerky that didnā€™t go through and I had to message customer support. They were having errors but should have to honor what is on their app!

      • -8.1

        Thanks! šŸ˜Š I will definitely do that! I had double Poo-pourris Shopkick offers and they automatically approved both of them, which was awesome! Hope they do the same here! šŸ¤ž

      • -8.2

        Have you ever submitted tickets for double rebate? I had a problem with BM too and got the kicks after submitting a ticket. I donā€™t know about double rebate though.

        • Nope, never! This will be the first. I think if they donā€™t do a double/triple rebate, they should at least honor a single rebate for the products and the lowest amount still makes the product free.

          The lowest rebate offer was 2,150 kicks for each so 4,300 kicks total = $17.20 back + $5 gift card = $22.20 back. I only spent $21.78 at my target for these. If anything, I will have hopefully made $0.42 šŸ˜

        • Just like ibotta, they will tell you it was a glitch and you were not entitled for it šŸ™‚

          • I have heard some accounts got locked on Fetch and Ibotta for correcting receipts too much or for submitting for rebates incorrectly. I actually had couple of instances with Sprouts, when they were showing me that my rebate doubles with another, I would remove it before confirmation, and then they still gave it to me.

            • It happens from what I read too. Itā€™s illegal to stack rebates on Ibotta though many people do it. Itā€™s all great until they decide to audit your account lol

    11. Page 1 of 212

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