After 35 years of holding the price of $1, Dollar Tree has raised the price of the majority of its products to $1.25!
Dollar Tree said that the slightly higher prices will give the them more flexibility to reintroduce many “customer favorites” that were previously discontinued because of the $1 price point and for them to introduce new products to its shelves.
The company said the higher price point is a permanent move, and not the result of “short-term or transitory market conditions”. It was also announced that the $1.25 price point will be rolled out to more than 2,00 Dollar Tree stores.
What are your thoughts about this? Let me know in the comments!
Also, I LA-la-love the idea of new products being introduced! Wonder what it’ll be?! However, not particularly happy about the increase but as long as they don’t go over 2 buckaroonies we good!
Thank you Tina, for all the hard work and free stuff you find to put in your app . I’m new to your app and just learning my way around but I’m totally loving what I’m seeing! Just wanted to say, “Thank You!”
Rename it to 5 quarters then price up again . 6 quarter
I know things have to go up, but .25 seems like a big jump. I will definitely be more selective about what I buy there as some things are already cheaper at Wal Mart. I won’t like it at all if the prices aren’t marked and you can’t tell which ones are 1.25 and which are still 1.00.
Remember they take manufacturers coupons so you can get some stuff free still or very cheap.
I’ll be much more cautious on what I choose to buy there now. A quarter doesn’t seem like much to some people, but when you’re on a fixed income it adds up fast.
It’s really a bummer in MT cuz we don’t have a sales tax! So when we shop at the $1 store, we can actually go in with a Buck & buy something!
Are they going to rename their store the “dollar 25 tree”?, lol. I was recently in a dollar tree and the most disappointing thing was not knowing the price of some items. I felt like I was in Dollar General because they had items that were now five dollars and it was confusing to know what was still a dollar or 1.25. If they’re going to raise the price to $1.25 then they should not be bringing in items that are more costly so that there is uniformity. It’s still a bargain at $1.25.
Very well said!!!