Right now, check out Cuties where they are giving away a Free Cuties Diapers Sample! All you have to do is submit your e-mail and you will receive a link via e-mail where you can request your sample! Make sure to check your email soon, because the link might expire if you wait too long. Please note that shipping may take up to 10 business days. Claim yours here!
Love Free Samples by mail? Click here to see all current Free Sample offers. And if you want some tips on how to score Free Samples, watch my video here.
I want to purchase one
got these for my neice
Glad you claimed yours!
how many come with sample
Hello Paris! It doesn’t say on their website, so I’m not so sure about that. But I suggest you submit your request asap while it’s still available. Hope you get to score this freebie!
just requested mine
I would like to get some free samples of diapers for girls’ size 4
Perfect timing! I’m in the middle of putting together a gift basket for mom and her new born baby and it will be nice to include a couple of freebie stuff too! Thanks
You’re welcome Heather! So excited to hear about your mom’s reaction when she gets her gift basket!
These are too cute lol my grandson will be able to use these I’m sure. Ohh I had another one born last week too so keep these free diaper samples coming y’all

Thanks so much too
You’re most welcome! Yayy, congratulations on your new grandchild! I’m so happy for you!
my Baby ilove sof
Sure won’t allow me to put in my address and when it finally does it keeps asking for my email over and over again. Sure broken I guess
keep trying, reload the page and when you enter the address do it slowly and the address suggested will pop up
new grand son