This sample may have ran out of stock, but could come back in the future.
While supplies last, you can score a free L’OR Espresso Samples! Just by simply taking the survey here, you will get your L’OR Espresso Pods of your choice. Kindly note that there is a limit of one per customer. Existing customers are not eligible on this deal. Shipping is free on orders over $35. Don’t miss out, this is a great deal!
Thank you for the tip, HaidyK from our App Community!
Psst... Download my app (iPhone or Android) for the easiest way to see the latest deals. Check out "Community" tab for other user-submitted deals like this.
Love Free Stuff? Click here to see all current Freebie offers. Plus, for tips on how to score Free Samples, watch my video here.
missed this!!
Bummer, I was too late
All are claimed. I missed it
They are all out
Thank you so much.
Most welcome Jill!
Omg I’m so honoured FSF featured this on their page!! *gushes*
it is gone so soon)
Thanks for sharing!
what machine do these pods work on? the original or vertuo nespresso machines?