Available again!
For a limited time, score a free key from minuteKey! Just head over to the local MinuteKey kiosk at Walmart or Lowe’s , use the promo code APR1F66718 at the payment screen, and get a key made. Click here to find your nearby location and snag your free key! Please note that this deal can be gone at any time, so hurry and snag your MinuteKey here!
Love Free Stuff? Click here to see all current Freebie offers. Plus, for tips on how to score Free Samples, watch my video here.
Also I don’t know if it possible but it would be really cool if we could set reminders of certain deals on the app!
Yes cute keys season!! Hopefully it’ll still work tomorrow! Thank you for sharing

You’re very much welcome Christy!
It worked. Got mine. Work for Walmart so went straight over and got it. Thank you!!
You’re very much welcome Skye!
Super excited – hopefully it works tmrw!
Idk I’m about to try cause the post says posted 26mins ago but I see comments from 3-4months ago and 2 saying they hope it works
Maybe it’s a reoccurring deal. Can you let me know your luck with it?
Perhaps it’s a reoccurring deal. Can you let me know your luck?
How cool is this?!? Thank you for sharing!! ♥️
You’re welcome Sara!
To cute! Hopefully it works ♥️
Don’t work!!
Hey Heather! Looks like this offer is no longer available. Thanks for letting me know, I’ll mark the post as expired.
I wish we had one near our location!
I just tried this last night at Walmart. The response was, “This code has already been used. “. Looks like the 10,000 are used up and time to mark this expired.