This is another great offer for anyone who’s pregnant or just had a baby. Go to and get a FREE Nursing Pillow ($40 value) by checking out with promo code FREE4MOM. This code will deduct $40 and you will just need to pay for shipping which is $14.99 for 7-13 day delivery.
I bought a few second hand nursing pillows from a consignment store for $15 each. So this is a great deal for them new.
For a price comparison, Amazon sells Boppy Pillows for $30-$40. So the pillows are a really great deal! These would also make a great baby shower gift. When I was pregnant I found it extremely helpful to have a few nursing pillows so I didn’t have to carry one around the house with me. I kept one on my bed, one in the baby room and one on the TV couch.
To get this. Go to and use promo code FREE4MOM to get $40 taken off at check out. Just pay shipping. Sweet!
You might also be interested in other related freebies, such as the Free Belly Band (make any jeans into maternity leans).
Just as an FYI, I got this as a gift and it sucks.
I had the bobby for my first baby but I gave it to my niece. I ended up without a bobby for my second baby and my friend gave me this one and I did not like it. It is not firm and does not hold up well. I like the carseat cover though.
Yes, I know what you mean! We got this for the $13 Shipping, and it tore in less than 2 weeks! For another $7 I could have gotten a boppy on special. The boppy I had for my first lasted over a year before I gave it to a coworker. Save your money and buy something that will last!