• FREE Pint of Eclipse Ice Cream

    While supplies last, donā€™t miss out on the chance to grab yourself a free pint of Eclipse ice cream! The offer has a limit of one pint per person and is available in the US only. Check out the steps below on how to snag this freebie! šŸØ

    Hereā€™s what you have to do:

    • Find the nearest store that carries Eclipse ice cream and buy a pint of your favorite flavor (make sure to keep the receipt!)
    • Then head over here and choose how you want to receive further instructions about the rebate (via email or text)
    • Follow the instructions given via email or text
    • Upload a picture of your receipt
    • Receive your rebate via PayPal or Venmo

    Thanks for the tip RosieO from our App Community!

    šŸ“Œ Psst... Download my app (iPhone or Android) for the easiest way to see the latest deals. Check out "Community" tab for other user-submitted deals like this. šŸ˜

    By the Way: Download my app (iPhone or Android) for the easiest way to browse and find the latest deals, including deal tips and hauls submitted from our community. Click on "Community" to check it out. šŸ˜

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    Join 11 Comments Here More Free Food
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  • 11 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      A feee pint of ice cream to make me nice and fat

    2. 0

      Dang none close to me. excited for those on you who get to try it

    3. -1

      Absolutely love Eclipse pints. All the flavors are great. Would highly recommend it

    4. -2

      I just got it at new seasons, the website had some issues loading, but it finally worked for me.

    5. -3

      You were right. Got an email from Eclipse today out of the blue.

    6. -4

      This one was tricky for me about 2 weeks ago. Didnā€™t recognize the receipt. I pressed manual review that takes up to 48 hours. Emailed support and no reply.

      • -4.1
        Helen (Free Stuff Finder) :

        Oh no! So sorry youā€™re having trouble claiming your rebate, Carol. I would suggest contacting them again, maybe theyā€™re just behind with emails at the moment. Hope you hear from them real soon!

    7. -5

      Does this rebate work the last one did not work for Wildgood ice cream?

      • -5.1
        Helen (Free Stuff Finder) :

        Hi! Not sure what happened with the Wildgood ice cream rebate, maybe theyā€™ve reached the limit. I didnā€™t submit for this one though. Hope you score it!

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