• How to Coupon at Target 🎯 Extreme Couponing for Beginners

    Reposting this for our newbie couponers 😊

    *NOTE: Click on the video above to start watching. Or if you don’t see the video, click here to watch it on youtube. If you liked the video, click here to Subscribe.

    Hey Guys! This is a much needed video on How to Coupon at Target as part of my learning series on How to Coupon. These are great videos for those of you who are new to couponing or want to learn the basics of extreme couponing.

    Here are all the videos as part of the series:

    If there’s a specific coupon/deal related topic you are interested in learning more about, please let me know in the comments below. Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube Video Channel and tap the little bell to turn on notifications.

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  • 31 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      I am a very young senior citizen
 hehe! I thought I was good at saving til I saw this app. I know I’ll need some help but I do appreciate your willingness to teach and help others to learn. I’m excited to find this especially before the holidays!

      • 1.1
        Virginia (Free Stuff Finder) :

        Welcome Vonna! If you need help with the couponing basics check out this video and the writeup below, it will help you get started. For any further questions I’m here for you. Just leave a comment under the post you are having troubles with and someone from the team will help you out. Happy shopping!

    2. 0

      thanks for this post. looking forward to learning

    3. -1

      FYI: coupons or target circle do not work if your paying with EBT 😕

      • -1.1
        Virginia (Free Stuff Finder) :

        Hey Ana! Thanks for sharing this information. You can still use coupons or Circle offers when paying with EBT, but there are some restrictions to keep in mind. Specifically, only coupons and Target Circle offers that are specifically for SNAP-eligible items can be used with EBT. Additionally, you can only use one percentage-based Target Circle offer, one manufacturer coupon, and one Target store coupon on a single item.

        It’s important to note that you cannot use coupons or Target Circle offers to reduce the price of an item below the SNAP-eligible threshold. If you’re ever unsure whether a coupon or Target Circle offer is eligible for use with EBT, don’t hesitate to ask a Target team member for assistance. Hope this helps clarify things!

    4. -2

      I’m trying to get in the groove of couponing here..you should of seen me last night with my notebook & pen like I was back in college studying Target 101.. lemme tell ya, way fun & easier than organic chem 101 🙃

    5. -3

      Thanks !

    6. -4

      Awesome video, loved it !

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