Amazon is offering this Berrcom Non-Contact Infrared Forehead Thermometer for a great price. Regularly listed at $19.99 but it is now on sale for just $8.08! Note that this price is only available in JXB-178 variant. Shipping is free for Prime Members or on orders over $35. Check out this Berrcom thermometer here and see another deal below!
Infrared Forehead Thermometer
Berrcom Infrared Forehead Thermometer
(JXB-178 variant)
JUST $8.08 (Reg $20)
Digital Thermometer
Berrcom Digital Thermometer $4.94 (Reg $6)
(size: DT-007)
Clip 10% off digital coupon (under the price)
Use promo code HHQQDD98 at checkout (extra 30% off)
JUST $2.97 (Reg $6) + FREE Shipping
*price exclusive for Prime Members
**$3.29 for non-Prime members
Again though, they could work really well, its justmy opinion
I will just say, these, or at least the ones ive used in the past, they arent very accurate. Most of them read lower than your actual temperature.