Visit Sephora where you can get the JLo Beauty Holiday Set at a nice price! Regularly priced at $59, it’s now on sale for only $44! Additionally, use promo code YAYHOLIDAY (for Beauty Insider Members, free to join) for an extra 10% off making the final price ONLY $39.60! Even better, use promo code FREESHIP at checkout for FREE Shipping! Check it out below.
JLo Beauty Holiday Set $39.60
JLo That Holiday Glow Hydrate + Brighten Duo $44 (Reg 59)
Use code YAYHOLIDAY (10% off for Beauty Insider members)
Use promo code FREESHIP (free shipping)
ONLY $39.60 (Reg $59) + FREE Shipping
Check out more Online Deals Here.
By chance you have JLO’s milk set .. phenomenal ladies
Ty @ShinuG only put the Christmas tree out for my grandson he is 11.
I lost my mom sept30th and my husband Nov 12th. It’s been super hard. Amanda Ty. I used to cut photos out of magazines and put them on the refrigerator as hints throughout the year lol. Trust me it works.
Ty. @AmandaR2 be grateful you have a husband. Today was my husband’s 1 year of passing from Leukemia. I would give my soul just to see him
I’m so sorry for your loss! Your family and you will be in my prayers!
I’m definitely grateful for him and everything he has done for me.and my kids. Especially for my 2 older ones their not biologically his and treats.them like their his own. My condolences to you and your family. I lost both of my parents with in 2 years of cancer.
Oolala!!! Great price
I wanted to buy these when they first came out but didn’t and now I can’t
my husband said no more shopping. lmao! he cut me off lol