Right now, JCPenney has handbags on sale, with so many styles available at great prices. For example, Liz Claiborne Crossbody Bag is on sale for $35 (regularly $59). Plus, through September 12th, you can use promo code GOSHOP32 at checkout for an extra 20% off, making the final price ONLY $28. This bag is available in twelve colors. See the entire sale here!
In addition, through September 29th, you can earn $10 Bonus Rewards for every $50 spent. Shipping is FREE on orders over $75, or you can opt for free store pickup if available in your area.
Liz Claiborne Crossbody Bag $28
Liz Claiborne Crossbody Bag – 12 Colors $35 (Reg $50)
Use promo code GOSHOP32 at checkout (extra 20% off, x9/12)
ONLY $28 (Reg $50)Â
Check Out These Deals Too
Liz Claiborne Monica Crossbody Bag $42 (Reg $60)
(Red & Floral)
Use promo code GOSHOP32 at checkout (extra 20% off, x9/12)
ONLY $33.60 (Reg $60)Â
Liz Claiborne Sherry Crossbody Bag $42 (Reg $60)
(Rose, Latte, Multi, Black)
Use promo code GOSHOP32 at checkout (extra 20% off, x9/12)
ONLY $33.60 (Reg $60)Â
Liz Claiborne Amber Top Handle Satchel $48 (Reg $80)
(Pink, White)
Use promo code GOSHOP32 at checkout (extra 20% off, x9/12)
ONLY $38.40 (Reg $80)Â