Last chance to register! On October 28th from 10 AM to 1 PM local time, Lowe’s will be hosting a free Spooky Trick or Treat event! Have your kids dress up in costumes and bring a candy bag as Lowe’s will be giving away free candy!
In order to attend the Lowe’s Halloween Event, you will need to register here through today, October 27th! Make sure that your local store is correctly displaying on the webpage as you won’t be able to alter your information afterwards. Have fun and don’t wait too long as spaces are limited.
We registered and made it. No one showed up but us.
This is awesome
Yay love events like this!
Thanks! Just registered
Hope you have fun!
Glad to hear you are going!
Can’t wait to take my grandson. In my area the whole shopping plaza is participating and handing out candy that day
That’s awesome! Hope you guys have fun!
I love it im an adult and ill go!