Stop by HSN for some amazing savings on Too Faced products. As an idea, this Lady Bold 2-Piece Lipstick Set is discounted at $33.95, whereas usually priced at $44. If this is your first purchase, use promo code HSN2025 for an extra $10 off $20+ orders, making you pay just $23.95! To top it off, shipping is free. Continue scrolling for more options and see all Too Faced products here!
Too Faced 2-Piece Lipstick Set $23
Too Faced Lady Bold 2-Piece Lipstick Set $33.95 (Reg $44)
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ONLY $23.95 (Reg $44) + FREE Shipping
More Too Faced Products Below:
Too Faced You’re A Gem 3-Piece Makeup Set $24 (Reg $59)
Use promo code HSN2025 (extra $10 off $20+ orders, first purchase only)
ONLY $14 (Reg $59)