For a limited time, you have the chance to snag a voucher for possible free Simple Mills Soft-Baked Brownie Bars through Social Nature. Simply head here, sign up, or log into your account, and click “apply to try” to proceed. If selected, you will be notified via email and receive a coupon that you can redeem at your nearest retailer. The coupon value is up to $5.99. Don’t miss out – apply for your possible free Simple Mills Soft-Baked Brownie Bars here!
Hello I need help
Hi there! Sure, how can I be of help?
I logged in but I don’t see where I can apply it to get it free
Oh no! Looks like the offer has already ended. So sorry you didn’t get yours! I’ll make sure to share another deal similar to this one if I ran into a new one.
I cleared my cache and then force quit the app. I tried multiple posts, but no links work. My app is up to date. The links always used to work.
Oh, this can be a bit tricky, but no worries! If you’re still facing issues, the last resort is to uninstall and then reinstall the app. You can also try using a different browser, or if you have a desktop computer, give it a go from there. I hope these options do the trick! Let me know how it goes, okay?
Unistalling and reinstalling the app has not made the click-through links work. No links work, including the link to deal link in the upper right corner of each post.
Hey there! Have you already had the latest update on the software of your phone? I suggest if you haven’t yet, to get the latest version also I will let the developers know about it and we’re hoping it will get fixed as soon as possible!
And I am using the app via my phone. Why would the links all cease working?
For some reason none of the click- through links are working for me. App is up to date.
Hey there! Sorry to hear that! Can you please also try clearing the App’s cache? Let me know how that works, okay?
I didn’t qualify for the brownies but I got a voucher for kids juice!
Oh no! So sorry to hear that you’re not qualified for the brownies, but glad to hear you were able to get the kids’ juice voucher instead!
Didn’t see the link for offer?
Hi Sharon! I just checked and the links work fine for me. Could you please give it another try? Maybe from a different browser this time. Please keep me posted!
I did not get the offer 😔
Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear that!
I applied and I’m getting my voucher in August!! Thank you!
You’re welcome Morgan! So happy you scored yours!