• $1 Hooked on Phonics 30-Day Trial


    Mother and Son Reading a Book

    Right now you can score a 30-Day Trial of Hooked On Phonics for just $1! The #1 Reading Program has now combined digital access with in-home workbooks and books. If you are looking for a fun way to help your child learn to read, this could be the right way to do it for you!

    Here’s What To Do:

    Opened Book on a Tabletop

    Hooked On Phonics subscription gives you unlimited access to the Learn to Read app, workbooks, 2 to 3 books to reinforce the lessons, and even celebration stickers! Your child will be directed through each step of the program to strengthen their reading comprehension.

    You’ll also get tips and ideas on how to extend their learning at home and on the go. Use the system on any device with or without an internet connection! The more your child does their Hooked on Phonics lessons, the more achievements your child earns!

    Siblings Reading a Book

    Your first shipment of in-home books and workbooks will arrive in 7 to 10 business days as long as you haven’t canceled or disabled your subscription within the first 2 days of enrolling. There are many high-praising reviews from parents of children who have used this program and learned to read. Click here now to get started!

    Note: After the 30-Day Trial is over, you will be automatically enrolled into their monthly subscription for $12.99/month plus $2.99 shipping and handling. However, the site shows you can easily cancel your subscription at any time without any obligation through your account, or call the customer service department at (888) 605-5055.

    vip updates 2 updated

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  • 7 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1


    2. 0

      Nice! My toddler is obsessed with reading!!!

    3. -1

      Ty might have my daughter do this

    4. -2

      I had this when I was a child

    5. -3

      thanks! this would be helpful for my daughter! she’s having a hard time with distance learning.

    6. -4

      this would be really good right now , especially since many children are falling behind

    7. -5

      Awesome deal! Cheap and beneficial🤩

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