Over at HSN there’s a sale on tons of Zwilling products. For instance, this Rectangular Plastic Vacuum Box 3-Piece Set is reduced down to $39.99, whereas it normally goes for $50. If this is your first purchase, use promo code HSN2025 for an extra $10 off $20+ orders, making you pay only $29.99!
Note that shipping adds another $5.50. Keep scrolling for more deal ideas, and get your vacuum food storage set now!
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3-Piece Vacuum Food Storage Set $29
Zwilling Rectangular Plastic Vacuum Box 3-Piece Set $39.99 (Reg $50)
Use promo code HSN2025 (extra $10 off $20+ orders, first purchase only)
ONLY $29.99 (Reg $50)
More Vacuum Food Storage Boxes
Zwilling Medium Plastic Rectangular Vacuum Box
ONLY $19.99 (Reg $25)
Zwilling Large Plastic Rectangular Vacuum Box $24.99 (Reg $32)
Use promo code HSN2025 (extra $10 off $20+ orders, first purchase only)
ONLY $14.99 (Reg $32)
Zwilling Vacuum Glass Rectangular Fridge Box $34.99 (Reg $45)
Use promo code HSN2025 (extra $10 off $20+ orders, first purchase only)
ONLY $24.99 (Reg $45)
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