Visit Amazon and score a great deal on this Waterproof Airtag Holder Dog Collar 2-Pack! Usually sold at $16.99, but you can get it at 50% off by using the promo code WCKCSJ3X and just pay $8.49! Note that this price is only available in black + navy blue color.
This airtag holder is made of aluminum which prevents your dog from chewing it. Shipping is free for Prime Members or with $35+ orders. Check out this Airtag holder collar dog here!
Airtag Holder Dog Collar 2-Pack
Waterproof Airtag Holder Dog Collar 2-Pack $16.99
(black + navy blue color)
Use promo code WCKCSJ3X at checkout (50% off)
ONLY $8.49 (Reg $16.99)
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