• Artist’s Academy 1-Year Premium Membership JUST $1.49!


    A Woman Painting a Picture of a Man in Vivid Colors

    If you’re looking for a new hobby that will enhance your creativity, grab this hot holiday deal from Artist’s Academy! Their 1-Year Premium Membership usually costs $102. However, right now you can get it for JUST 99¢! Even better, if you’re a new customer, a pop-up add will show offering you this membership for JUST $1.49! Get unlimited access to all painting and drawing videos, instructional classes, and inspiration!

    A Hand Holding a Brush and Painter's Palette with Multiple Colors on It

    Here’s What To Do at Artist’s Academy:

    • Go here for Artist’s Academy
    • Click on “Get This Epic Deal”
    • Enter your personal info and head to checkout
    • The discount will apply automatically
    • Final Price: ONLY $1.49 (Reg $102) for 1-Year Premium Membership!
      • If you’re a new customer ONLY 75¢

    A Person Painting and Drawing a Mountain Landscape at Night at Artist’s Academy

    At Artist’s Academy, you’ll discover videos, tutorials, and articles from industry experts that will teach you to draw, paint, and create beautiful works of art in the comfort of your own home. Learn all about sketching, pen and ink drawing, oil painting, watercolors, figure drawing, plein air painting, and more. All in one place with lessons that are broken down to make learning easy! The subscription gives you access to the full content library. This includes instructional video lessons, virtual events, articles, and more.

    A Closeup of a Person Painting on a Canvas

    Don’t miss out on this limited-time offer from Artist’s Academy and start painting and drawing today!

    Please note that your membership will automatically renew when this introductory period ends. Your card will then be charged with the regular fee of $102. You can cancel or change your membership at any time.

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  • 54 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      I cancelled this in may cos I couldn’t use it.
      I don’t paint

    2. 0

      definitely want to check this out😍

    3. -1

      I’m an aspiring artist and I would love to relearn my art skills that I had lost many years ago. Thankfully, I took up on this offer and have decided to try again. 🥹🥰😃

    4. -2

      i took advantage of this. I already paint, but for this price I know I will be educated on plenty of things I did not know! excited 😁

    5. -3

      thank you so much. I’ve been trying to find something to do with my daughter. thank you

    6. -4

      I just got it for my 12 year old kid! Am so excited!! Thank you!!

    7. -5

      Thank you, that means a lot. And i mean every word. This app never gets too “big” to not be as personal as possible, and it’s just people helping people. That is almost unheard of these days.

      Thanks again

    8. Favorite Comment

      I hit send by accident. i wanted to give a true thank you, but i was not certain i would apply it as its a bit deep. but i mean every word, so i will leave it up to you and God to decide

      you ladies do a LOT more than you know i bet

      this is one of those priceless and truly needed… kind of Christmas Angel kind of find.

      I am so very Grateful most people will have no idea why someone would cry and make such a big deal over 99¢ lol

      that’s why i felt I really needed to explain and truly thank you all

      idk how i will be able to pull off Christmas this year, but I have not known for the past 4 years, and your app, your crew and those who follow, have helped me in huge ways Every last year.

      Thank you
      and God Bless us all.

    9. Favorite Comment

      I dont have much to buy my lillibug, so we have always shared the love of art and time together. She is 8 now, and LOVES learning .

      This is one of those, words cannot express the level of appreciation I have for you ladies and the priceless gifts, such as this class, that you share with others .
      i know this is also one of those posts where people will be thinking, seriously lady?

      Coming out of a Terrible 4 years, and Barely having Finally taken the first couple steps into our brand new journey to healing and being Free from toxicity, this .99¢ year of growing and learning together in something we both love doing, and has kept us positively sidetracked in the most negative of time and circumstance is GOLDEN.

      I am a 45 yr old single mom again, and when I say starting over, I mean it at an embarrassing having nothing left to take with us bc it’s been broken and thrown away, and an even more embarrassing and pathetically poor level.

      So this was and is a precious and priceless .99¢ that we will probably be more grateful for, than most people, definitely most children, than if we received some overpriced tech device.

      Time with my 3rd and final baby, being able to enjoy watching her smile, and being able to truly smile back. I cannot explain the heavy sadness that took over me right before we were finally given the time and opportunity to get free, when my little girl looked at me and said(word for word)

      mommy, I love you and you are always beautiful to me, but I miss it when you smile

      • -7.1
        Jasmine (Free Stuff Finder) :

        Awww thank you SO much for sharing your story with us Jennifer!

        I’m sorry to hear you went through so many challenging things over the years, but I’m happy you’re in the process of healing and overcoming all obstacles. You are strong and you can definitely do this.

        Sending warm hugs and lots of positive energy to you and your kiddos! 💖

      • -7.2

        Blessings for you 2. So glad you are getting the freedom and happiness you deserve.

    10. -8

      anytime u see classes for kids online etc, deals, im so interested. my daughter is 10. we dd varsity tutors during the pandemic and it was so great and now we can no way afford it. just asking so u cld keep ur eyes open for me as ur so great with deals! I love ur page so much. my daughter doesn’t yet do well with self-guided stuff and I can find no good group classes online for her. thanks for ur app it is so awesome! i check it two times per day😄

    11. Page 3 of 3123

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