Head straight to Best Buy, where you can score a Bella PRO SmartCrisp 8-Quart Air Fryer in Brick color for a great price, today only (January 29th)! Usually sold at $129.99, but now you can pay only $39.99! Shipping is free for My Best Buy Members (free to join). Grab this Bella PRO SmartCrisp 8-Quart Air Fryer now, before it’s gone!
Bella PRO 8-Quart Air Fryer $39
Bella PRO SmartCrisp 8-Quart Air Fryer
Sign up for My Best Buy Members (free to join, free shipping)
ONLY $39.99 (Reg $130) + FREE Shipping
I just bought mine!!! Love the color
So happy you got yours, Gabby!