• Dairy Queen Blizzards 85¢ from March 24th!


    A Person Holding Dairy Queen Small Blizzard

    Satisfy your cravings with a Dairy Queen Blizzard for just 85¢ when you order via their app! Dairy Queen will be offering their popular blizzards for this low price from March 24th through April 6th. Note that the offer will be available in the Dairy Queen app so be sure to sign up – it’s free to join!

    Dairy Queen Small Blizzards

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  • 23 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      The closest store that takes online orders to me is 16 mil 😢😢😢

    2. 0

      great deal

    3. -1

      Found the deal. You have to download the app, then go to deals. You’ll receive a barcode to scan at store or use it in the app.
      It’s on a small blizzard.

    4. -2

      Not working for my app location

      • -2.1
        Helen (Free Stuff Finder) :

        Hello Patrice! Please note that the offer seems to vary by account and location. But I suggest you check back again later. I read some got the offer an hour later after they downloaded the app. Please let me know how it goes!

    5. -3

      We are so going to try this deal today.

    6. -4

      Not giving me the deal. When I go to checkout it’s 4 dollars. Nothing in rewards or offers either. 😤

      • -4.1
        Helen (Free Stuff Finder) :

        Oh no! The offer does seem to vary by account and location. But try and check back again later, if you can. I’ve read that some got the offer a few hours after they downloaded the app. Please keep me posted!

    7. -5

      thanks for the heads up! when I checked my app I saw I also have a small shake or malt for 1.50. both are great deals!

    8. -6

      Darn app ordering not allowed in my Texas area 😔

    9. -7

      nice!! I can’t wait to go. Thanks for sharing

    10. -8

      Great deal!! Is there a promo code needed for this? And do u know if we can only order 1 ?

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