Through March 23rd, Domino’s Pizza is giving a 50% discount on all pizzas at menu prices! It’s valid for online orders only, but you can opt for pickup at select locations. Keep in mind that availability may vary by location. Head over here and score your pizza!
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that happened with me, several times. it wasn’t until about a month ago, I realized, after ordering, you have to push a button on the screen to claim the emergency pizza, then it’s available to use the next day.
That’s a great tip, thank you so much Darlene!!
I ordered pizza but mine showed $ 16:99 . Why it’s not coming as free
I’m not sure. Did you do everything exactly as required? If so, I suggest you contact their customer support to see why they tried to charge you. Keep me posted please!
It’s a scam to get more customers
no it’s not you got to order a pizza first then the emergency pizza is available to use the next day not the same day you order there will be a pizza in a glass case you will have to break the glass then you get your free pizza
What are the qualifying orders to get this?
Hi! Qualifying orders are either a delivery order online or a digital carryout order that costs at least $7.99.
I placed an order of over $100 and never got my emergency pizza
Oh no! Have you tried contacting their customer service? They should be able to help.
I did, and they never emailed me back
Wow! I’m sorry to hear that. I’d keep trying though. It’s advertised on their website so they should be honoring it for every eligible purchase.
Thanks for the help!
Yes I ordered my pizzas and the emergency pizza was placed in my coupons right afterwards.
I’ve got mine!
Woohoo! So glad you got your freebie!
Yes omg I just ordered my free emergency pizza today. It absolutely works and is totally free. If you order delivery you simply pay the delivery charge but for pick up you pay nothing.
Yay! Thank you for sharing your experience. So happy you got your free emergency pizza!
I have tried numerous times and always told “try again later ” or that the days amount of free pizzas has been claimed. I started to think it’s a typo and instead of 12am (which did seem strange starting at midnight until noon when most locations are closed from 1am until 11:30am, so decided to try 12pm, noon. And same notification. Has anyone had any luck, and if so was it at 12am or 12pm?
It’s the info they have on their website so I’m trusting that’s correct, but I hope someone from the community who was able to claim this freebie before can confirm and maybe give us tips.
currently 1:21am where I’m at and ain’t no way it’s telling me to try again tomorrow…
Oh no! Hope you have more luck today! I’m not sure which time zone you are at so please note that the offer starts st 12 am ET.