Sign up to receive exciting offers and product updates from Unilever brands and get $1 toward your next Hellmann’s Real Mayonnaise purchase! Just fill out a short form and the coupon will be delivered to your email a few days after signing up.
Hellmann’s has a wide range of mayonnaises, dressings and spreads. They are committed to using sustainable ingredients and their products not only taste good, but do good for their customers and our planet.
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Entered in! Thank you
I love good giveaway!!
Entered, thank you!
Good luck!
Thank youu!!
Thx soo much! Hope I finally win something, since I won’t be doing Christmas this year, no money
Fingers crossed Brandi!
Thank you!
Most welcome Katarina!
Just entered! I hope I see more posts for sweepstakes on this app! I think this posting was very helpful
Thank you! I actually won a contest through Keebler, 25 years ago . by filling out the little entry form , in our grocery store. It was a cruise and hotel for 10 days. I couldn’t believe it.
That’s awesome Debbie!