Head over to P&G Everyday to sign up for their newsletter to receive access to tons of FREE Printable Coupons, household tips & tricks, and more from all your favorite brands sent to your inbox!!
Here’s How To Get Printable Coupons:
- Click Here for P&G Everyday
- Fill in Your Info and click to Create Your Profile
- Once you have an account, click “Coupons & Offers” in the upper right corner for exclusive P&G Savings
Our reader cassiexoxo0182 shared her experience: “I love the P&G site you can earn points by taking surveys and downloading receipts. You can use your points for product sweepstakes ($150 of products Is the largest giveaway) and my favorite you can use your points to do good deeds (ex: 100 points to provide a family with the internet, or 1 week of clean water for a family, or 10 meals for a child in need, or plant a tree)… I donated to all the causes and I love knowing that I was able to help others. It’s a great feeling!!! Thank you FSF and community of FSF for all y’all do in providing us the freebie links!!!”
Once you sign up for the P&G Everyday newsletter, you will receive exclusive coupons and other P&G promotions. PLUS, you’ll earn your first 25 points! P&G is the big brand behind names like Tide, Gain, Bounty, Charmin, and more. They often have high-value coupons you won’t find anywhere else, like rare $3.00 off Tide Laundry Detergent coupons!
I’ve tried using the printable coupons and I always get denied and I’m told I can’t use them.
Hi I’m so new at couponing I print some coupons off my phone and went to Target Ana they didn’t accept them? The staff said they usually don’t see printed coupons only the original coupons insert. Am I not allow to use printed coupons there?
Hi Christa! Lately, most of the Target stores won’t accept printable coupons due to a change to their official rules and policies. Hope that explains it.
Thank you very much for that info.
Do you know what stores I can actually use the printable coupons? Walmart, CVS, Walgreen?
I would like to learn how to use the coupons so I would help to buy things for my children
I’m unable to print them. I tried from my laptop and phone
Same here! I clicked print then soon after said that it printed and I can no longer do it again…
it didn’t print!
I think they come out with new coupons weekly so maybe it will work this time and hopefully we score!
Oh! Hopeful news lol thank you!
No problem! I just looked and majority of the coupons for this week are laundry detergent.
Thank you!
What if you can’t print them. Don’t have a printer. Where can I go to have them mail me coupons? And how do I know which ones to get?
That is awesome
I like doing the surveys and donating to good causes. Was very happy to help save/was off birds covered in oil supposedly by answering questions yesterday
Yay, I love coupons
I love the P&G site you can earn points by taking surveys and downloading receipts. You can use your points for product sweepstakes($150 of products Is the largest giveaway) and my favorite you can use your points to do good deeds(ex: 100 points to provide a family with internet, or 1 week of clean water for a family, or 10 meals for a child in need, or plant a tree)…I donated to all the causes and I love knowing that I was able to help others. It’s a great feeling!!! Thank you FSF and community of FSF for all y’all do in providing us the freebie links!!!
I love coupons and i am glad that they offer so many ways to give back.