• FREE Pizza with Pizza Hut Book It Program – Enroll Now!


    Pizza and Tee from Pizza Hut Book It Program

    The Pizza Hut Book It Program enrollment for its 2024 – 2025 program is now open! This is an opportunity for enrolled kids to get a free pizza! All teachers or homeschool teachers of students in PreK – ages 4 to 12 can enroll their students in the program and enjoy this lovely deal. The program will track and reward your kids for reading (the goal is set by the teacher and can be adapted to each student). When kids meet their monthly reading goal, they’ll receive a free one-topping Personal Pan pizza from Pizza Hut!

    The program is available for PreK-6th grade classrooms, parents, and homeschool families but right now, the enrollment is only open for teachers and homeschool parents but check back often as this can open up anytime soon for everyone. You can enroll here and once the program starts simply let the parent approve participation. Printed or emailed digital certificates will be redeemable for dine-in, carry-out, or for delivery. 

    Pizza Hut Book It Program

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  • 20 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      Just signed up all my kids. As a homeschool parent we really dont get much stuff like this and love that Pizza Hut is doing this.

    2. 0
      DiscountDopamineQueen :

      I remember doing “book it” when I was in elementary school a million years ago (late ‘80s early’90s)!! I read sooooo many books that I got enough free pizzas to share with my brothers (who were too cool to participate of course, lol!). So happy to see they are still doing it, great incentive to get kids reading!!

    3. -1

      My kids, nieces, and nephews did this when they were younger. it’s a good program

    4. -2

      Brings back memories

    5. -3

      This is a great program! I remember I doing this with my cousins when we were kids.

    6. -4

      Great program! it says the website is under maintenance, though. hopefully it will be up soon

    7. -5
      Nancylovesdisney :

      Thank you I signed my boys up. We used to book-it in Elementary school.

    8. -6

      This is a terrific program that’s been around for decades. Kudos to Pizza Hut!!!

    9. -7

      thanks so much just sent this to my mom for my little sister

    10. -8

      I sent this to my daughter and grandaughter. They are both pre k teachers. Thank you

    11. Page 1 of 212

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