At Michael Kors, a variety of handbags are currently on sale at great prices. One highlight is the Michael Kors Eliza Extra-Large Pebbled Leather Reversible Tote Bag, now priced at just $149, down from its usual $358. Plus, through January 18th, use code 20MORE for an extra 20% off, dropping the final price to only $119.20! Free shipping is included, and there are three colors available at this price. Explore a few more deals below or browse the entire sale here!
For even more Michael Kors deals, check out our page here!
Michael Kors Leather Reversible Tote
Michael Kors Extra-Large Leather Reversible Tote $149 (Reg $358)
(available in 3 colors)
Use code 20MORE (20% off, x1/18)
ONLY $119.20 (Reg $358) + FREE Shipping
More Michael Kors Reversible Tote Deals!
Michael Kors Extra-Large Leather Reversible Tote Bag $229 (Reg $358)
Use code 20MORE (20% off, x1/18)
ONLY $183.20 (Reg $358) + FREE Shipping
Michael Kors Leather & Shearling Reversible Tote Bag $229 (Reg $458)
Use code 20MORE (20% off, x1/18)
ONLY $183.20 (Reg $458) + FREE Shipping
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