• Earn Rewards + Support Causes You Love with P&G Good Everyday!


    Target Cart Filled with Household Products

    P&G Good Everyday rewards program makes it so easy to earn points that you can turn into rewards. Even better, as you earn they’ll automatically make donations to causes you care about, at no cost to you.

    P&G is home to over 65 iconic brands you can trust in your home, like Tide, Bounce, Charmin, Crest, Downy, and so much more. Take quizzes, answer surveys, or scan your receipt featuring P&G products to easily earn points that you can redeem for experiences, sweepstakes entries, gift cards, and more!

    Papmers Diapers and Tide Detergent in a Shopping Cart

    Save & Earn with P&G Good Everyday:

    • Go here to sign up for P&G Good Everyday
    • Enter your name and email and create your account
    • Take quizzes, answer surveys or scan your receipts featuring P&G products
    • Collect points for each engagement and redeem them for rewards you love
    • As you earn, P&G automatically make donations to the causes you care about

    A Person Holding a Plastic Basket Filled with Tide Gain and Downy Products

    Here’s How It Works:

    • Sign up Bonus: Complete your profile and get 25 points (+ a donation to your cause)
    • Take a Survey: Earn 25 points per survey you complete (+ a donation to your cause)
    • Scan a Receipt: Earn up to 250 points per receipt (+ a donation to your cause)

    Ulta Gift Card Surrounded By Flowers

    Redeem Your Points for:

    • Gift Cards to stores and restaurants, like Amazon, Starbucks, Ulta and more
      750 points for a $5 eGift Card
    • Sweepstakes entries for P&G products like Tide, Bounty, Dawn, Crest, and more
      25 points per sweepstakes entry
    • Exclusive P&G coupons, free samples & rebates
      0 points, totally free – exclusive to rewards members
    • Donations to causes you care about at no cost to you
      100 points

    Tide Gain and Downy Products

    Sign up now and you’ll save money and get rewards on 60+ P&G brands you love!

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  • 13 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      Send me how please

    2. 0

      I am constantly answering all the questions I complete every single question and everything asked of me to get free samples adidas’s socks etc. I’ve never ever received anything . It’s got to just be a scam I’m so frustrated I do everything asked of me and wasted about an hour and a half tonight. I never ever receive anything free. Anything at all never I’m so tired of it

    3. -1

      is this app is true that it is free

      • -1.1
        Helen (Free Stuff Finder) :

        Hey Gilbert! Are you referring to the Free Stuff Finder app? If so, then yes, we share freebies and deals along with instructions on how to get them. Just follow the steps in each post to take advantage of the deal. And let us know if you need help scoring a particular deal, okay?

    4. -2

      this still available

    5. -3

      I’m a PG member

    6. -4

      is this real

    7. -5

      That’s cool

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