• Rose Farmers Bouquet Voucher $8 (Get $35 to Spend Towards Roses)


    A Lady Holding Rose Farmers Bouquet

    Groupon is offering this Rose Farmer’s Bouquet voucher on sale. Usually $35, now on sale for $10, plus, today only, January 14th, you can use the promo code SAVE to get an extra $2 off, lowering your final price to just $8!

    These are hand-selected flowers that are grown on a farm. You get them delivered anywhere in the US but shipping costs apply. You also get a personal message for birthdays, anniversaries, congratulations, etc. Get your Bouquet here, and check out the other deal ideas below!

    In addition, you can check out more online deals here!

    Rose Farmers Bouquet Vouchers

    Rose Farmers Flowers

    Rose Farmer’s Bouquet Choice Colors Voucher $10 (Reg $35)
    Use promo code SAVE (extra $2 off, x1/14)
    ONLY $8 = $35 to spend towards Roses, Bouquets & Arrangements

    Fresh Spring Flowers

    Fresh Spring Flowers

    Fresh Spring Flowers Voucher $10 (Reg $30)
    Use promo code SAVE (extra $2 off, x1/14)
    ONLY $8 = $30 to spend towards Flowers and Delivery

    More Vouchers:

    Good Towards Flowers and Delivery for Next Three Purchases

    Good Towards Flowers and Delivery Three $25 Vouchers $9.99 (Reg $75)
    Use promo code SAVE (extra $2 off, x1/14)
    ONLY $7.99 (Reg $75)

    24 Luxury Long Stem Rose Bouquet

    24 Luxury Long Stem Rose Bouquet $24.88 (Reg $83)
    Use promo code SAVE (extra $4.98 off, x1/14)
    ONLY $19.90 (Reg $83)

    24 Luxury Long Stem Rose Bouquet

    24 Luxury Long Stem Rose Bouquet Farmers Choice Colors

    24 Luxury Long Stem Rose Bouquet Farmer’s Choice Colors $19.99 (Reg $80)
    Use promo code SAVE (extra $4 off, x1/14)
    ONLY $15.99 (Reg $80)

    Your Choice Of:

    • 24 Luxury Long Stem Rose Bouquet, Farmer’s Choice in Colors
    • 24 Luxury Long Stem Rose Bouquet, Your Choice of Colors
    • White Elegance: 24 Long-Stemmed White with Baby’s Breath
    • Sunny Delight: Cheerful & Uplifting Bouquet of 24 Bright Yellow
    • Pastel Perfection: 36 Soft Pink, Peach, & Cream

    Flowers on Purple Table

    Same-Day Flowers and Gifts Delivery $14 (Reg $35)
    Use promo code SAVE (extra $2.80 off, x1/14)
    ONLY $11.20 = $35 to spend towards Flowers and Gifts Delivery

    app promo footer v2 updated

    Join 48 Comments Here More Cyber Monday
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  • 48 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      Just ordered one for my mom’s B-Day! It actually came out to, $8.60!!! The website’s $1 coupon went down to $1.40! Not sure if it’s nation wide but def brought it down !!

    2. 0
      Beeswonderland :

      Automatic refunded on the Groupon app.

    3. -1

      I just ordered these for my daughter graduation and they were gorgeous! Much I
      Bigger then store ones here

    4. -2

      So i have to make the purchase thru groupon? and then when and where do I enter my shipping info?

    5. -3

      I’m not following how this works. If I buy the $8 Groupon. Then I have $35 to spend at Rose Farmers. But the cheapest thing I see on their website is $88? So, it’s just like buying a coupon? Is that right?

    6. Highlighted Comment

      I’ve purchased from Rose Farmers many times, and they have the most BEAUTIFUL blooms! recipients are always floored with these roses!

    7. -5

      why extra$15

      • -5.1
        Jasmine (Free Stuff Finder) :

        Hey Miriam! You’ll get an extra 25% off when you use the promo code MOMLOVE at checkout. Hope you get to score yours! Also, just lemme know if there’s anything I can help you with, kay?

    8. -6

      Here’s the screenshot

    9. -7

      Please correct me if I’m wrong I thought the 2 doz roses are for $15, but now it’s asking me to pay additional $15 plus $18 and tax so overall total sounds like I am paying almost $50?

      • -7.1
        Helen (Free Stuff Finder) :

        Actually, the price is now down to $7.50 with new code (I’m updating the post as we speak)! The additional charges are probably shipping and tax, cause that’s not covered by the code. Does that make sense?

        • So I have to enter the code so all I have to pay is shipping and tax, I tried to enter the code given to me but it’s not working. What code should I enter?

          • Helen (Free Stuff Finder) :

            Current code to get them for $7.50 before shipping and taxes is MOMLOVE. Ends today.

            • Thank you but not sure what I am doing wrong enter the code but it would not work 😔

            • Helen (Free Stuff Finder) :

              Hmmm. What are you seeing when you try to enter the code? Can you send me a screenshot? Also, are you doing it from phone or desktop browser?

    10. -8

      Thanks babe !!!! I purchased 2

    11. Page 2 of 212

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