Building a good credit history is important for your financial health. With Extra Card you can make the most of everyday purchases. Itâs the first debit card that builds credit from purchases you’ve made from your bank account. There are no credit checks, upfront deposits or interest charges.
Using an Extra Card carries a monthly or annual fee. You can choose from 2 membership plans and pay as low as $12.42 per month!
How Does the Extra Card Work?
- Click here to sign up for Extra Card
- Enter your information to apply
- Extra will send you a code via text to verify your phone number
- If approved, you can choose a plan, link your bank account and then receive the card
- Extra will assign you spending limit called âSpend Powerâ based on your bank account balance
- Make purchases with the Extra Card like you would with any debit card
- When you use the card, Extra pays for the purchase
- Then your Spend Power pays Extra back for the amount
- These paybacks are reported at the end of each month to the credit bureaus
- Build credit over time without worrying about debt or a credit check
Extra Offers 2 Membership Plans:
- Credit Building Plan â $20/month or $149/year (just $12.42/month)
- Extra debit card
- No interest charges, no credit check
- Reports to Experian and Equifax
- Track your spending through the Extra app
- Credit Building + Rewards â $25/month or $199/year (just $16.58/month)
- Same perks as the standard package
- Plus, earn rewards from purchases made with participating merchants
Start building credit with your daily purchases – apply for Extra Debit Card today!
Note that all subscriptions automatically renew. You can cancel your membership anytime by contacting their customer support team through the app or by emailing them at
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