Prioritize your self-care routine with TheraBox! Their new ‘Pamper Party’ self-care subscription box includes $200+ worth of special self care treats, all for just $39.99!
TheraBox is a self-care subscription box curated by therapists and designed to inspire joy. Each monthly box includes 7-8 full-sized wellness products and 1 happiness boosting activity. You can expect things like aromatherapy, skincare, bath & body care products, journals, essential oils, and other goodies.
Here’s How To Get Your Box:
- Go here for TheraBox
- Click on ‘Get the Box’
- Choose Your Self-Care Plan
- Fill in your information
- Final Price: $39.99 when you pay monthly
(as low as $34.99 per box with multiple month subscriptions)
*note that shipping adds $4.99 per box for domestic shipping
TheraBox Self-Care Subscription Plans:
- Month to Month: $39.99 per box
- 3-Month Prepaid: $37.99 per box (Pay $113.97 upfront save $6)
- 6-Month Prepaid: $35.99 per box (Pay $215.94 upfront save $24)
- 12-Month Prepaid: $34.99 per box (Pay $419.88 upfront save $60)
Embark on a self care journey with TheraBox! Themes and items change each month so it’s always a surprise!
Note: Subscriptions auto-renew according to your plan at the end of the subscription cycle. You can cancel anytime before your renewal date (9th of the month) to not be renewed. For multiple month subscriptions, you can cancel anytime, however you will still receive the remaining boxes from your prepaid multiple month subscription and then your subscription will end.
Therabox beauty box
I want to try this. Can’t this week next check.