• Winner of $30 Announced šŸŽ‰+ New Giveaway


    A Person Holding Amazon Gift Cards

    šŸ„³ The winner for last weekā€™s giveaway is bigbaddealfinder

    If this is you, please send me an email from the email address you used to sign up here (under Settings) to Tina@FreeStuffFinder.com with your mailing address and the store of your choice.

    Giveaways Available

    New $30 Gift Card Giveaway

    You can enter to win a FREE $30 Gift Card every week in the FreeStuffFinder App!

    Hereā€™s how you can enter:

    Simply go to the Community tab in the app, and post pictures of your haul or pictures of deals youā€™ve found, or engage with others in the community (Comment on other peopleā€™s posts)!

    A Person Holding a Bath and Body Works Gift Card

    This is a weekly Giveaway that ends on Sunday of each week. Winners announced on Monday. The Current Round of Giveaways ends on Sunday, March 30th! We really are a community! That shares deals and tons of advice, canā€™t wait to see you there!

    What to Submit to the Community Section:

    ā¤ļø Your Shopping Haul ā€“ Deals youā€™ve done
    šŸ›’ Stuff Youā€™ve Received ā€“ Deals youā€™ve received
    šŸ˜ Deal Tips ā€“ See a sale while youā€™re out?
    šŸ’ƒ Clearance Tips ā€“ See a good clearance in stores?
    ā‰ļø Other Hot Deals or Freebies ā€“ Deals not posted before, if you happen to find something new, post it in the app. If I end up posting it on the blog, Iā€™ll credit you for it.

    A Person Holding a Phone with FSF App on It in One Hand and Coffee in The Other

    To enter just share something useful or helpful or your haul with the community. Winner gets Free $30 Gift Card to the store of your choice! (Target, Amazon, Starbucks, Sephora, ULTA, Victoriaā€™s Secret, Home Depot). This weekā€™s giveaway ends Sunday 3/30. Iā€™ll be picking a random winner and announce it in the current weekā€™s giveaway post (found in the community section and marked as Tinaā€™s Fav).

    I really want the Community posts to be helpful for everyone here. For that reason, I wonā€™t be accepting giveaway entry posts with no useful content. I will also not accept posts for unknown brands online that are not really deals.

    To help those who want to enter in the giveaway but donā€™t have helpful tips or hauls to post, you can enter by commenting and engaging on other peopleā€™s posts. Please, genuine comments only. Thank you!

    A Hand Holding a Free Amazon Gift Card in a Gift Box
    To Summarize. You can enter into the App Giveaway two ways:

    • Create a Post with Helpful Content ā€“ Post ideas listed above.
    • Comment on someone elseā€™s Community Post ā€“ Without spamming all posts. Genuine comments only.

    I love seeing what deals you guys did! Please snap a pic and post it in the Community section! And have fun!

    Tell a friend and Good Luck! šŸ™Œā¤ļø

    app promo footer v1 updated

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  • 1,286 good-looking people commentedLeave a comment
    1. 1

      ok include me

    2. 0

      I love looking free stuff finders I find a lot of reasonable good prices even in Macyā€™s also JCPenneyā€™s clothes and Amazon and Cvs

    3. -1

      Iā€™m confused on where the community page is. I clicked on the link to it and it wants me to download the app, which Iā€™m already on.

    4. -2

      I love this app because alone we do so little but with help of others in the community we do much more we find ways to save or we find deals to share help one another at the end thatā€™s what makes us feel good to help others. This is my reason to post and itā€™s a lot of work but I thank all of you for helping me find good deals šŸ„°

    5. -3

      How can I win a $50 gift card?

      • -3.1

        Hello Delma! There are different ways to win one. Simply go to the Community tab in the app, and post pictures of your haul or deals youā€™ve found, or engage with others in the community. The complete lists of what you can submit plus other details on how to enter are listed on this post. Hope that helps.

    6. -4

      This is really awesome! I always use this app and never really checked out the community tab.

    7. -5

      I look at this app every single day! I love seeing new things uploaded and it helps a lot! Thank you so much for helping everyone with this app just like it helps me!<3

    8. -6

      I like this app so I can compare whichever is best deal

    9. -7

      Just posted I hope I win .

    10. -8

      I use this app daily before heading out to any store!!!

    11. Page 9 of 97First...ā†7891011ā†’...Last

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